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Fun and Affordable Ideas for Valentines Day


There’s no reason to drop a fortune at a fancy dinner when you can make a meal yourself. Can’t cook? Meal delivery services like Plated have made it easier than ever to refine those culinary skills.


Another way to feast without shelling out a ton of cash: inviting friends over for a potluck. It may not be the intimate evening you were hoping for, but sometimes double and triple dates can be just as fun.


A few lessons won’t make you fluent, but they might teach you enough to get your flirt on. (They aren’t called romance languages for nothin’!) There are plenty of low-cost or free apps out there, like Duolingo and Babbel, so you don’t have to pay hundreds of dollars for a course.


This one might seem like a stretch, but hear us out. You’d score some points by letting your friend/family member have a night off while you and your significant other take care of the kids. You also get the chance to see how ready you and your partner might be to start a family of your own. Bonus: If you manage to land a paying gig, you can treat yourselves to a dinner out on a night when you’ll actually be able to get a reservation.