Teeth Whitening
Restore Your Smile at a Calgary Denture ClinicIf you would like to whiten your smile a little or a lot, we can help choose the system that will work the best for you. It’s a fact some people are better candidates than others for a successful whitening treatment. The best results are found with people whose teeth have been stained or darkened from age, coffee, tea or smoking. However, dark gray tones resulting from fluorosis or tetracycline use may respond less dramatically to the whitening. It is also important to know whitening does not change the color of artificial teeth or fillings. The two most popular whitening methods are: Zoom!2 Teeth Whitening System and Take Home Whitening

Is it safe?
Yes. Extensive research and clinical studies have proven it to be safe.
How long does it last?
Are there any side effects?
If you already experience tooth sensitivity the whitening process may generate short term increased sensitivity that will dissipate.
Who should NOT undergo the Zoom!2 procedure?
Light sensitive individuals, including those undergoing PUVA therapy or other photochemotherapy, or patients with melanoma. As well people taking light sensitive drugs or substances should consult their physician.
Although it is difficult to predict the whitening this particular method will achieve, you can anticipate a 2-4 shade improvement.

Teeth Whitening Gallery
Teeth Whitening Gallery Case 1
Teeth Whitening Gallery Case 2
The results, in this case, were dramatic. Some sensitivity after the procedure is normal and should disappear in a few days. Results vary from individual to individual.
Teeth Whitening Gallery Case 3
She elected to have the whitening procedure done in the office and she was very pleased with the results.