Did you set a New Year’s resolution this year? According to a 2015 Ipsos poll, 73% of Canadians eventually break their resolutions. But don’t worry—sticking to your resolution is possible! Here are three practical tips to help you create goals you can stick to:
Tip #1: Be Realistic
Life can get busy with work, school, family, and other commitments. Ask yourself: Is your goal realistic? Consider potential barriers such as time, money, or motivation. Start with small, achievable steps that lead to bigger accomplishments.
For instance, instead of committing to “going to the gym every day” or “eating a salad for lunch every day,” try something manageable, like “taking the stairs at work once a week” or “having a salad for lunch once a week.” Small goals build momentum and create lasting success over time.
Tip #2: Be Specific
Vague goals like “I want to be healthier” or “I want to lose weight” are hard to follow through with. Instead, focus on specific behaviors you want to improve.
For example, rather than saying “I want to be healthier,” set a clear goal such as “I will fill half my plate with vegetables during dinner on Wednesdays.” A specific goal gives you clarity, direction, and a clear focus.
Tip #3: Make It Measurable
There’s something satisfying about checking off a task on your to-do list. Apply that same concept to your New Year’s resolution by making it measurable and setting a deadline.
For example: “I will try one new vegetable each week this month.” This goal has a measurable action (once a week) and a timeframe (by the end of the month). Tracking your progress keeps you motivated and helps you stay accountable.
What to Do After Achieving Your Resolution
When you achieve your goal, give yourself a pat on the back! Then, if you’re ready, set a new goal using the same principles. Over time, you may find that these healthy behaviors become part of your daily routine.
If you don’t achieve your resolution, don’t be discouraged. Use this as an opportunity to reflect. Was your goal realistic? Specific? Measurable? Identify the obstacles that got in the way and adjust your approach. Then set a new goal and work on overcoming those challenges.
By keeping these tips in mind, you can create resolutions that are not only achievable but also sustainable.