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Denture Adhesives

Background Denture adhesives are pastes, powders or pads that may be placed in/on dentures to help them stay in place. Sometimes denture adhesives contain zinc to enhance adhesion.  In most cases, properly fitted and maintained dentures should not require the use of...

Want a whiter smile?

Teeth whitening does not damage your teeth. The whitening process uses active ingredients to temporarily open pores in your teeth and lift stains. After each whitening session, your teeth naturally remineralize and rehydrate. Sensitivity after teeth whitening is...

Have you had your oral exam in the last year?

Recent research has shown there is a direct correlation between oral hygiene and a patient’s overall health. Poor dental hygiene and gum disease may directly increase your risk of heart disease, stroke, and even diabetic complications. Women that have poor dental...

Gum disease …. how to spot the signs.

Research has shown links between gum disease and several other systemic illnesses, including heart disease, stroke and breast cancer. Swollen gums are a main symptom of gum disease with the infection below the gum line. Bacteria can now travel throughout the body via...